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Thursday, July 1, 2010

How to Start a Band Free Guide

Learn Guitar Online - The One Secret All Professional Guitarists Use
By Mike P Hayes
Get your  How to Start a Band Free Guide as a bonus here.
Over a thirty five year career as a professional guitarist I have often been in the privileged position to study some of the world's finest musicians up close and personal; I'm talking about being in the same room as these guys often it's the mixing room or at a recording session.
Recently I found myself sitting in between two of the jazz world's musical heavy weighs; Jazz trumpeter and all round multi- instrumentalist, James Morrison and one of the finest jazz guitarists of all time, George Golla and the first thing that comes to mind is these guy's look VERY normal, I mean if you came across them in the street you won't even look twice.
But there is something VERY different about the way they live, the thing that has allowed these guys to reach the top of their craft is their philosophy.
At the age of nineteen I was fortunate enough to be hanging out with another top flight musician flugelhorn player Bob Venier, I'm sure you have heard Bob's playing he's the world's most 'heard' trumpet/flugelhorn player you probably don't know the name but unless you have just arrived on the planet you will have heard his playing e.g., Little River Band's hit "Reminiscing" features an extended Bob Venier flugelhorn solo.
Side note: According to Albert Goldman's biography, John Lennon named "Reminiscing" as one of his favorite songs.
It was Bob who introduced me to a life changing philosophy it's simple but I now know that this exact same philosophy is what makes the difference between the good players and the best players.
Here's Bob's philosophy...
"If the phone rings, I go and play... if it doesn't ring, I practice!"
Thirty four years latter this simple philosophy is one of the most important things I have learned about music, I couldn't grasp the full significance of these words at the time when I first heard this philosophy but I now know all the world's top musicians (not just guitarists) live by this exact same philosophy.
If you are truly serious about being a musician read and take onboard this philosophy; you see it's easy to keep going when things are going well, everything is in flow and life is a breeze you don't really need much of a philosophy to keep motivated but it's when things are going pear shaped that's when you need a solid philosophy to fall back on that's what separates the professionals it's their ability to keep going no matter what.
When I'm listening to the top players these days I can hear in their playing all their life's experiences that's what they bring to the table all the times the phone didn't ring all the gigs they didn't get and how they have never lost their passion for playing music and how much they love playing it!
And now I'd like to invite you to get free access to my "How To Remember 1,000 Songs" eCourse. You can download the course for free at:
From Mike Hayes - The Guitar Coaching Guy & the Express Guitar System

What a great guitar learning course! As someone who has been playing guitar for several years without ever taking a lesson, I really learned a lot from your course. I especially enjoyed the Guitar Leads Course. The biggest advantage of this play along course for me is the half speed feature. By being able to slow the pace, you actually decrease the learning time! I am looking forward to Volume 2. Thanks a 1,000,000! You, too, can take this world acclaimed guitar lesson course to learn how to play guitar or to sharpen your skills as an advanced guitar player.

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